Case Studies

The City of Ryde engaged Efficient Energy Services” to undertake energy investigations at 18 of their sites with the objective of finding carbon and cost savings that were realistic and practical to implement easily. Annual savings potential of over $70,000 was identified with less than a 3 year payback, and 280 Tonnes CO2 from 39 initiatives. This equated to 17% cost reduction and 19% energy reduction despite Council having already implemented solar and LEDs in most obvious locations. EES engaged with stakeholders on each project to ensure initiatives were deemed to be pragmatic and that steps to implementation were understood. Projects included the less obvious and more challenging lighting opportunities, reconfiguring of inefficient hot water systems, network tariff optimisation (both large and small market), battery system to work with an existing solar system, resolution of usage anomalies, consolidation of electricity supplies, sensors and controls and much more.
City of Ryde

Ian Billings was engaged by EVENT initially in 2017 to undertake circuit level electricity monitoring on 9 cinemas and 3 hotels. After a comprehensive review and analysis of the collected energy data, operational efficiency improvements were identified with the HVAC systems and other associated equipment that were found to be operating unnecessarily. These were rectified with subsequent immediate energy cost savings and asset longevity benefits to EVENT due to the reduced operating hours of their equipment. Since this time, a holistic review of energy cost savings opportunities was undertaken in early 2019 with an associated program of works being progressively implemented. The engagement has developed into an Energy Management role for all electricity and gas accounts across the EVENT portfolio which has also included energy data maintenance and reporting. The reporting covers both the NGERS compliance reporting component and also the identification of anomalous usage and costing trends.
EVENT Hospitality & Entertainment
Efficient Energy Services has been engaged by News Corp since 2012. In 2015, an Energy Efficiency Roadmap was created by EES to identify and prioritise opportunities for delivering energy efficiencies across the entire New Corp facilities. Since this time, EES have worked to develop projects, manage RFQ processes, gain internal approvals and implement initiatives including, lighting, power factor correction, HVAC, air-compressors and network tariff optimisation. The combined savings has now reached $800,000 per annum with a payback of 1.6 years. Most recently EES has been engaged by News Corp to deliver their 2019 NGERS reporting requirements.
News Corp
Ian worked with Petbarn to deliver circuit level electricity audits on 20 of their high energy usage retail outlets. Annual savings of over $230k (17% of their total energy costs) were identified predominantly relating to controls for their lighting and air-conditioning operations. Ian worked with Petbarn to develop long term monitoring programs designed to ensure that their HVAC systems were operating at maximum efficiently and to provide continuous improvement of their overall energy usage.
Ian Billings was engaged by Rydges Parramatta to undertake an energy monitoring audit at their Hotel to identify cost reduction opportunities beyond Lighting usage and Power Factor Correction. Over $50k (10% of their total energy costs) of annual savings were able to be identified through a range of equipment switch off tests conducted with their Facility Manager. A prioritised target list of opportunities was then developed for implementation at the Hotel. Asset longevity opportunities were also identified due to compressor short cycling and low refrigerant levels.
Rydges Parramatta Hotel
Efficient Energy Services (EES) undertook circuit level monitoring of the Sutherland Shire Central Library and the Engadine Community Centre energy consumption. EES were able to identify a total of 14% and 19% respectively in energy costs savings through car park exhaust fans (operating 24 hours per day), toilet exhausts time clocks that were incorrectly programmed and the inefficient programming of the premises air conditioning unit timer systems. Furthermore a number of packaged air conditioning units were identified by EES as requiring major servicing which resulted in direct energy consumption savings of over 50% on each of these units.
Sutherland Shire Council
EVENT Hospitality & Entertainment

Ian Billings was engaged by EVENT initially in 2017 to undertake circuit level electricity monitoring on 9 cinemas and 3 hotels. After a comprehensive review and analysis of the collected energy data, operational efficiency improvements were identified with the HVAC systems and other associated equipment that were found to be operating unnecessarily. These were rectified with subsequent immediate energy cost savings and asset longevity benefits to EVENT due to the reduced operating hours of their equipment. Since this time, a holistic review of energy cost savings opportunities was undertaken in early 2019 with an associated program of works being progressively implemented. The engagement has developed into an Energy Management role for all electricity and gas accounts across the EVENT portfolio which has also included energy data maintenance and reporting. The reporting covers both the NGERS compliance reporting component and also the identification of anomalous usage and costing trends.
News Corp

Efficient Energy Services has been engaged by News Corp since 2012. In 2015, an Energy Efficiency Roadmap was created by EES to identify and prioritise opportunities for delivering energy efficiencies across the entire New Corp facilities. Since this time, EES have worked to develop projects, manage RFQ processes, gain internal approvals and implement initiatives including, lighting, power factor correction, HVAC, air-compressors and network tariff optimisation. The combined savings has now reached $800,000 per annum with a payback of 1.6 years. Most recently EES has been engaged by News Corp to deliver their 2019 NGERS reporting requirements.

Ian worked with Petbarn to deliver circuit level electricity audits on 20 of their high energy usage retail outlets. Annual savings of over $230k (17% of their total energy costs) were identified predominantly relating to controls for their lighting and air-conditioning operations. Ian worked with Petbarn to develop long term monitoring programs designed to ensure that their HVAC systems were operating at maximum efficiently and to provide continuous improvement of their overall energy usage.
Rydges Parramatta Hotel

Ian Billings was engaged by Rydges Parramatta to undertake an energy monitoring audit at their Hotel to identify cost reduction opportunities beyond Lighting usage and Power Factor Correction. Over $50k (10% of their total energy costs) of annual savings were able to be identified through a range of equipment switch off tests conducted with their Facility Manager. A prioritised target list of opportunities was then developed for implementation at the Hotel. Asset longevity opportunities were also identified due to compressor short cycling and low refrigerant levels.
Sutherland Shire Council

Efficient Energy Services (EES) undertook circuit level monitoring of the Sutherland Shire Central Library and the Engadine Community Centre energy consumption. EES were able to identify a total of 14% and 19% respectively in energy costs savings through car park exhaust fans (operating 24 hours per day), toilet exhausts time clocks that were incorrectly programmed and the inefficient programming of the premises air conditioning unit timer systems. Furthermore a number of packaged air conditioning units were identified by EES as requiring major servicing which resulted in direct energy consumption savings of over 50% on each of these units.